Kayaking is a fun, relaxing activity. But it’s also easier if you know how to load a kayak yourself.
Loading a kayak onto your car by yourself takes practice and skill. However, after you have practiced enough, carrying a kayak to your vehicle and loading it yourself will be a breeze.
In this article, I’ll explain how to load a kayak yourself. You’ll learn everything you need to know. Loading a kayak into your car by yourself will become as routine as packing groceries once you get the hang of it.

Here’s The Answer To How To Load A Kayak By Yourself Onto The Car
If you’re planning on going kayaking yourself, you’ll need to know how to load a kayak onto the top of your car. It’s easier than it looks; all it takes is some practice.
- Attach the kayak rack to the roof of your vehicle. You can simply put the kayak on top if you have a roof rack. A load assist can be used in place of a roof rack to help you hoist the kayak onto the car’s roof.
- You’ll need to position the kayak so that the bow faces the front of the car and the stern faces the back. You can then begin hoisting the kayak onto the car’s roof once it is in the appropriate position. If you’re struggling to lift the kayak by yourself, you can use a pool noodle to help you.
It is essential to fasten the kayak to the car roof once loaded safely. You can use straps to secure the kayak if you have a roof rack. If you don’t have a roof rack, you can use a load-assist to secure the kayak to the top of your car.
Make Sure You Can Lift The Kayak Alone Without Straining Your Back

Before you lift the kayak, ensure you can do it alone without straining your back. If you lack the physical prowess required, have an assistant on hand. When lifting the kayak onto the roof of the car, it should be kept close enough to where both hands are on it at all times and lifted straight up and down. Do not twist or lean side-to-side when lifting because this could cause injuries in any part of your body due to strain or twisting motion.
Hold On To Either Side Of The Kayak Wherever It’s Comfortable
The most common mistake people make when loading a kayak onto their car is holding the boat by its cockpit or hull. These are two places you never want to hold the boat, as they’re structurally weaker than other parts of the kayak.
If you hold your boat by these areas while strapping it down with straps and bungee cords, it puts undue stress on those weak points.
This can lead to cracking or breaking off parts, resulting in an expensive repair bill if your boat isn’t insured. If you have a soft-top SUV or minivan with room for storage in the backseat, go ahead and put your kayak there.
Gently Lift The Kayak And Place It On The Roof Rack
- Use a hoisting system if you don’t have the strength to lift the kayak yourself. Some cars come with roof racks that can be used as a hoisting system, but you may need to buy extra parts to make them work (for instance, some racks require that you purchase crossbars). If your car doesn’t have any kind of mounting options, consider purchasing or borrowing a set of crossbars from someone who owns one. You could also use a dolly or hand truck if you don’t have access to either of these items.
- Gently lift the kayak and place it on the roof rack using your body weight instead of brute force; this should prevent damage during transit and keep things less messy for everyone involved!
Make Sure The Kayak Is Firmly Placed On The Roof Rack

You must ensure that the kayak is firmly placed on the roof rack. You don’t want it sliding off while driving, nor do you want it to damage your car.
If it’s not tied down properly, there’s a chance that one of these things could happen.
The same goes for any kayak owner who might be following behind you: if they get too close and their car hits your kayak, this can cause serious injury.
Place The Straps On The Kayak And Secure It
The straps are the most critical part of this whole process. They’re what hold your kayak on the car. If you don’t use them, they will fall off and get damaged and make a mess in your garage or driveway.
The first step is to place both straps over the top of your kayak (one strap per side). The tops of these straps should be facing away from you when looking at them from above like they would look if someone were standing next to you on each side of the boat.
After placing these straps on top, tighten them, so there isn’t any slack left in them and that they’re snug against both sides of the boat.
This will keep it from moving around while driving, which might cause damage or fall onto people/things below.
Check That The Kayak Is Secure
Check that the kayak is secure on the roof rack.
- Check that the straps are tight. If you have a short strap, ensure it’s not twisted or tangled.
- Ensure your kayak is secure on the roof rack and isn’t moving around. Extra straps or tie-downs, such as those sold separately at most decent outdoor stores or online merchants like Amazon and eBay, can be used to increase the level of safety afforded by your vehicle rack kit. If necessary, tighten them so they’re taut but not too tight, as this will damage your plastic hulls or aluminum frames if done repeatedly over long periods (i.e., driving down bumpy roads).
- Also, ensure that no part of your kayak touches either side of pillar mirrors by placing foam padding under where they touch each other during transport; this will prevent scratches from occurring during transit, reducing resale value later.
Can A Person Alone Load The Kayak Onto The Car?

Yes, a person can load a kayak alone onto the top of their vehicle. The kayak’s width should be considered when choosing the right method for loading.
Pool noodles can be placed under the kayak for stability and durability. The easiest way to load a kayak is to place it onto the roof rack system on the vehicle’s top.
If the kayak is too heavy to lift, a wheelbarrow can be used to roll it up the ramp and onto the roof. The front of the kayak should be positioned at the front of the vehicle, and the last thing to do is to secure the kayak with straps or ratchets.
Having someone help you load and unload the kayak is always a good idea, but it is not necessary.
What Is The Best Way To Load A Kayak By Yourself Onto The Car?
It’s possible to load a kayak onto the car by yourself. But there’s a lot of work beforehand, so it’s smart to plan.
A roof rack system could be necessary if you have a little automobile. Transporting a kayak in the trunk or on top of a larger vehicle is possible. The kayak may be transported in the back of a pickup truck.
If you have access to hoisting systems or dollies and pulleys at home, these will be your best bet for loading your boat by yourself. If not, you’ll need help from friends or family members.
It’s also possible to use other methods such as ramps and ladders if none of the above are available.
Before making any attempts, all parties must understand their responsibilities.
Use Dollies And Pulleys If Lifting By Hand Fails
Like most kayakers, you’ve probably been told that if your boat is too heavy to lift by hand, it’s time to get a hoist or pulley system. This is generally correct, though there are exceptions.
For one, this is the best way to go if you have access to a hoist or pulley system at home. If not, ramps and ladders can also be used.
But another thing to consider is your strength, and if you find it hard to lift the kayak by yourself with a hoist or pulley system, chances are that it will be even harder for someone else.
In this case, you might want help from friends or family before loading the boat onto your car.
Ask For Help If You Don’t Have A Hoisting System
If you don’t have a hoisting system, another option is to ask for help. Perhaps you can get assistance from your friends and relatives in loading the kayak onto your car if they are close.
This can be done using two people: one holds the kayak while the other attaches it to a carrying strap. The person with the carrying strap supports both ends of their body weight while lifting the kayak over their head, then brings down their arms until their hands reach shoulder height again.
They should repeat this process until they’ve moved all their arm strength into holding up one end of their body weight. At this point, let go of your end and allow someone else (if there is another person) to take over for you at that end of your body weight-bearing job.
Then repeat this process with yourself on either side but staggered by about six inches so that one end is always supported by someone else’s hands/arms/shoulders when lifting each time.
How To Avoid Common Mistakes When Loading A Kayak Onto The Car

- Don’t lift the kayak by yourself.
- Don’t lift the kayak by the bow.
- Don’t lift the kayak by the stern.
- Don’t lift the kayak by the middle (unless it’s a solo, you’ll have to).
- And don’t even think about lifting it with your own two hands and arms—just don’t do it.
In this blog post, we discussed the steps involved in loading a kayak into the car. To load a kayak, you will need several people. The kayak should be loaded facing forward, and the bow should be at the back of the car.
The kayak should be secured with straps in the back. Be sure to follow the instructions in the owner’s manual to ensure that the kayak is loaded properly.
When loading the kayak, be sure to place the seats in the proper position and the pedals. This will ensure that the kayak does not move during driving.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us! We look forward to hearing from you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it safe to drive with a loaded kayak on the roof of my car?
Yes, it is safe to drive with a loaded kayak on the roof of your car. However, use the straps with the kayak to secure it and prevent movement during driving.
What should I do if I get stuck while loading my kayak onto the car?
If you get stuck while loading your kayak onto the car, do not worry. Getting assistance from a close friend or relative is as easy as making a phone call. You can also try using the strap that comes with the kayak to secure it while waiting for help to arrive.
What should I know before loading a kayak by myself?
Before loading a kayak by yourself, make sure to read the owner’s manual. This will help you understand how to load the kayak and ensure it is loaded properly.
Can you secure a kayak to a sedan with ratchet straps alone?
No, securing a kayak to a sedan with ratchet straps is not recommended. You should use straps with the kayak to ensure its safety and avoid movement during driving.